2PM – 4PM

Celebrate the 80th Anniversary of D-Day with us at
Penmaenmawr Community Centre

Why Attend?
Free entry to the public
Afternoon Tea Buffet including hot drinks and snacks
1940s Nostalgic Music
Ballroom Dancing Lessons from the Medi Williams Ballroom Dancing Team

Join us from 2pm at the Penmaenmawr Community Centre – Conway Road, Penmaenmawr, LL34 6AB

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Notification of works – A55 J17 – J16

A55 J17  – J16 Penmaenbach Tunnel (Nightime Only)

Proposed Works:
Tunnel maintenance, renewal of life expired tunnel equipment and life safety systems.

Programme Start Date:
Monday 8th April 2024

Programme Completion Date:
Monday 22nd April 2024

Welsh Government

Principal Contractor:

I refer to the above and wish to inform you that the works noted will be undertaken between Monday 8th April and Monday 22nd April 2024 at this location.

This could result in a higher than usual level of noise at intervals and I take this opportunity in apologising in advance for any inconvenience incurred.

A full closure of the A55 will be required and will be implemented between 19:00 – 07:00 (when traffic flows are lower).

Proposed programme of traffic management restrictions:

Details of Restrictions Start Date and Time** End Date and Time** Notes
Full closure of the A55 westbound carriageway through Penmaenbach Tunnel with westbound traffic being batched under control of traffic signals in alternate directions around Penmaenbach headland 19:00 08/04/24


07:00   22/04/24


All Abnormal loads over 3.2m are prohibited from travelling through the traffic management for the works. Overnight waiting areas detailed in below.

** dates provisional, may be subject to change

Emergency Services (Police / Fire / Ambulance)

All traffic (including Emergency Service vehicles) will travel through the traffic management under batching. Emergency Services vehicles should switch off their sirens when travelling through the traffic management.

Abnormal loads

Abnormal loads over 3.2m wide will have a provision in place for them to park up overnight at the lay-bys after J14 Madryn (eastbound) and adjacent to J23 Llanddulas (westbound).

 Holyhead Port

I would be grateful if you could inform ferry traffic of these proposed works and advise all vehicles to drive safely through the traffic management for the works.

 Additional information

Liaison with Welsh Government Orders Branch regarding Traffic Orders has been undertaken.

Co-ordination with NMWTRA and Local Authority Streetworks Managers regarding all aspects of the works has been undertaken.

Full consideration has been given to the impact of the work on road users, residents and work force e.g.  Type of temporary traffic management (Contra flow, road space, date of works, time of works, other works etc.)

Information signs will be erected prior to the works advising the travelling public of the closure dates and times.

NMWTRA will distribute a letter to properties adjacent to the works area informing residents. 

Winter Service Contractors (PA) will be notified (gritting actions are co-ordinated every night).

Please accept my apologies in advance for any inconvenience incurred.

Further information, including regular updates, regarding this project can be obtained on the website of the Welsh Government’s Traffic Information Service  www.traffic.wales.

Should you wish to discuss the matter further please contact Traffic Wales on 0300 123 1213.

garbage bin

Next Community Skip

The Next community skip for all residents will be on Thursday 28th March at The Gladstone from 09:00 until 12:00 (or until full).
Please be aware that some items cannot be placed in our Community Skips, please check the list before bringing items that may be refused.
If you require any additional information please contact the office on 01492 623221
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Important Information regarding CCBC Services

On Monday 11th of March, Penmaenmawr Town Council (PTC) received confirmation from Conwy County Borough Council (CCBC) that a number of services provided by CCBC are being removed or changed due to the ongoing financial pressures faced by the Local Authority. PTC is aware that all councils across the UK are facing even greater pressures this year due in part to the outdated Barnett formula used by Westminster to allocate money. This is then further allocated by Welsh Government to local authorities across Wales, and this year Conwy and Gwynedd received just 2% from Welsh Government – the lowest settlement of all 22 Welsh councils.

Not surprisingly, CCBC has had to try and balance the books, deliver statutory services and support our most vulnerable residents while every CCBC service has to find significant financial savings for 2024/25, including Environment, Roads and Facilities. One of the services affected is our Community Skip.

So, as part of our long term forward planning, PTC is working to counter some of the anticipated service cuts by CCBC, and we’ve started negotiations with a number of private skip providers. At this point, work is being finalised with a view to providing skips as frequently as possible. Please follow the Town Council website and social media platforms for further updates – including the next dates for skips arranged by your Town Council to mitigate CCBC cuts.

Dwygyfylchi Bowls Club

Dwygyfylchi Bowling Club have been able to buy 10 sets of Junior Bowls after a successful grant application to Penmaenmawr Town Council.

The Club has a good number of adult members but is hoping to interest younger players in taking up the sport. The Bowling Club have contacted both local primary schools, Pencae and Capelulo and hope to see their pupils at the green, when the weather improves, to introduce them to the game of bowls.

Dwygyfylchi has a rich history of bringing local juniors into the game, with many of them going on to represent Wales at under 18’s.  The purchase of these new bowls, 4 colours in 3 different, smaller sizes, are especially popular with younger players, instead of the standard black.

A club member said “ I think the best endorsement for bowls is that it doesn’t matter how old you are or what gender, once you step onto the green, everyone is equal. In the next few weeks we expect to have at least 6 members trained up to basic level coach, all of whom will have DBS certification”.

Everyone is welcome to come to Dwygyfylchi Bowling Club for a taster session.  If you’re interested in having a go, you can contact them at info.dwygyfylchibowlingclub@gmail.com

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Paddling Pools Update

Conwy County Borough Council have released the following statement about Paddling Pools

Conwy’s four paddling pools will reopen for the summer season following refurbishment as planned.

Cllr Aaron Wynne, Conwy’s Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure said: “This has been a major investment to secure the long-term future of these much-loved community assets.

“I’d like to reassure residents that we’re committed to getting the work completed at all sites for the benefit of those living and visiting our county.  Whilst we understand the disappointment caused last year we are pleased that we have been able to invest to protect the future of all four of our paddling pools and look forward to opening them for summer 2024.

Penmaenmawr – we have refurbished the walkway, as well as carrying out work on the pool base and material below.”


Penmaenmawr Town Council have been talking to CCBC to ensure that the work is completed before the planned re-opening on the May Bank Holiday.

Cllr Gavin Parry, Chair of the Well-being, Engagement and Events Committee said “The Town Council know how important the paddling pool is for both residents and visitors. That is why we have worked to ensure that CCBC are on schedule to complete the work before the planned opening. Not having the pool open last year was a blow to the local community and businesses and we want this fantastic facility to be used and enjoyed all summer”.

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Community Skips Update

Penmaenmawr Town Council are aware that there are no dates for when Community Skips will be available in February and March.

There is an agreement with CCBC that skips are booked in advance and the County Council confirm which dates they will provide them.

They are out between specific times or until they are full, at locations in Penmaenmawr and Dwygyfylchi.

Penmaenmawr Town Council have asked ERF at CCBC to confirm on which dates the skips will be available.  Despite repeated requests CCBC have not confirmed when they will be providing skips.

Cllr Lisa Goodier said “The Town Council know how important access to the skips is to local residents and we are happy to buy this service for them. It is frustrating that the Town Council can’t get confirmation from the County Council of a service that the Town Council pay for. We will keep trying to get answers and let the residents of Penmaenmawr and Dwygyfylchi know when skips will be available, even if we have to source them from a private firm”

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Notice of Co-option

Penmaenmawr Town Council – Pant yr Afon Ward

Notice is hereby given that 1 vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for the above-mentioned Community/Ward, and the Community Council intends to co-opt.

Please see the attached document for more detailed information.

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Public Notice – Casual Vacancy

Penmaenmawr Town Council (Pant yr Afon ward)

Notice is hereby given that 1 vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for the above mentioned Community/Ward.
An election to fill the vacancy shall be held if, within fourteen days after the date of this Notice (excluding weekends and bank holidays) a written request for such an election is received by the Democratic Services Manager, Conwy County Borough Council, Bodlondeb, Conwy, LL32 8DU, from TEN persons who are registered as local government electors for the electoral area in which the vacancy has occurred.
Llofnodwyd  / Signed ___________ Daryn Wilcox  ___________________________

Clerc y Cyngor / Clerk to the Council

Dyddiwyd / Dated  ____________17th October 2023 ___________________________





Penmaenmawr Bowling Club

Supporting Penmaenmawr Bowling Club

Penmaenmawr Town Council are supporting Penmaenmawr Bowling Club, the local Crown Green club that has produced national champion players in the last few years. Current members, of all ages and abilities, meet regularly to play against each other, or to compete in local leagues. Players recognise the benefits to physical and mental health, and the opportunity to socialize and meet new people. Penmaenmawr Town Council have awarded a grant of £500 for running costs and green maintenance. Club Secretary Keith Williams said

“The club provides the town with an attractive tourist facility and actively encourages juniors, senior citizens and people with disability to participate in sport. We have a strong lady’s section and have developed some amazing young players over the years.”

The club is open to members and non-members so if you feel like having a try call in at the club, which is opposite the entrance to the Prom.

The Photograph shows Penmaenmawr Mayor, Councillor Steven Consterdine presenting the cheque to Club President, Bill Starr.